So what will ILM do after everyone becomes VFX artisit?

I stumbled upon this video of Adobe's Dan Goldman showing off some R&D work.  As someone who took an intense VFX program learning how to do motion tracking, this makes me smile and feel a bit bad all at the same time.  So I'm not sure who gets more respect now, the compositor using an Inferno machine or someone who can do the same task in a couple of minutes with a few clicks?

Any ways, watch and enjoy.

Interactive Video Object Manipulation from Dan Goldman on Vimeo.

I should say I don't think this means everyone will have the skills to make their home movies as good as Hollywood blockbusters - rather I think that if this works it's way into apps like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker will see these tools get abused (hello Photoshop lens flare) but it is interesting to see how easy to tools are getting - more time and focus can be put on the creative end rather then the technical end.