The purpose behind this site is to showcase my photography and motion graphics work. So what to do in regards to the blog. At first I thought that I could use it as an outlet to rant about things I think my wife wants me to save all of that for her.
So I will try and focus this blog on sharing interesting content in regards to photography and motion graphics. There may be the odd post here and there but I'll try and keep it focused.
For this post I'll share some three very different but what I consider to be some great examples of creativity in regards to motion graphics.
First up, U2's video for Window In The Skies (Nexus Version). As a U2 fan I appreciate this for all the references to the band's past and previous work. A great example of using still to create a great piece of motion. If you love paralaxing you'll love this video.
U2 - Window In The Skies (Nexus Version)
Next is a great video from Justice, one of many I may add. This video is great because to me at least it feels like a prime example of pure motion graphics. As a child of the 80's it's a great throwback - to be honest anytime I get a reference I feel good.
I once had an instructor in school bash motion graphics, saying that it was just getting text from point A to point B. I guess he didn't realize the possibilities' in getting from A to B and how much fun it can be. That's what I love about motion design/motion graphics/broadcast design. I wish this video was out at the time so I could show it to him in response.
Justice - DVNO
Lastly is an ad for HP's TouchSmart PC. I saw this on tv while in Australia but I'm pretty sure this ws a worldwide campaign. I really digg this ad because it really does tie into the product, a touch based desktop PC. I know Apple get's a lot of attention for their ads, so much so that I think a lot of other great ads for tech products get overlooked. I think is a great ad and I know want to buy this computer so good work.
HP - TouchSmart PC - Maestro
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, SF, USA Creative Directors: Rick Condos, Hunter Hindeman Art Director: Andre Massis